When experiencing domestic abuse, it may feel like you have nowhere to turn for help, but there are many local organizations who can provide you with information as well as safety.
St. Louis County Adult Abuse Office (314) 615-4725
Information about filing for Orders of Protection, paperwork, service of process, and court-dates.
Court Order of Protection Assistance (COPA) (314) 615-3210
COPA advocates may be available to provide assistance at the time of filing and/or in court.
ALIVE (314) 993-2777 24-hour helpline www.alivestl.org
Services include: intimate partner violence crisis intervention, support groups, professional therapy, and counseling. Short term emergency sanctuary provided if all DV shelters are full and intake criteria is met **All services are free and available to all genders.
Safe Connections (314) 531-2003 24-hour helpline www.safeconnections.org
Services include: intimate partner and sexual violence crisis intervention, support groups, professional therapy, and counseling for survivors 12 & up. Referrals for support services available via crisis helpline **All services are free and available to all genders.
Life Source Consultants, Inc. (314) 524-4130 www.lifesourceconsultants.org
Provides counseling and other support services for women who are victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. Specialized programming offered for women of color, women in recovery from substance abuse, women with disabilities, women over 50, and teenage girls.
YWCA Metro St. Louis: Woman’s Place & Women’s Resource Center www.ywcastlouis.org
Woman’s Place/Crisis Intervention: (314) 645-4848 3820 West Pine Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108
A safe drop-in center for adult women who have experienced violence, gender discrimination, domestic violence, and sexual abuse/assault. Services include crisis intervention, court advocacy, and support groups for women.
Women’s Resource Center/Sexual Assault Center: (314) 531-7273 24-hour sexual assault crisis helpline | (314) 726-6665 To make an appointment
Provides sexual assault crisis intervention, advocacy, case management, and support groups for women.
Legal Advocates for Abused Women (LAAW): A program of the Crime Victim Center (314) 664-6699 or (800) 527-1460 www.supportvictims.org
LAAW provides information regarding Orders of Protection, referrals, advocacy, safety planning, divorce, and custody. Specializes in free legal representation at Order of Protection hearings for victims of abuse. Must meet certain criteria to qualify for services.
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Lasting Solutions (314) 534-4200 or (800) 444-0514 www.lsem.org
Provides free legal counsel, advice, and representation in civil cases, including Orders of Protection, divorce, custody, paternity, and modification. Also provides comprehensive, coordinated services to clients through social service referrals and case management. Must meet certain criteria to qualify for services.
** If you leave a message, leave your name and phone number very clearly. Say that your number is “Safe to leave a message,” if it is. Be ready to receive a call back, but please be patient**
A project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, providing legal information and support to victims of intimate partner and sexual violence.
App that discusses technology, privacy, and safety in the context of intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
Missouri Crime Victims’ Compensation (800) 347-6881
Victims of violent crimes may be eligible for compensation for medical costs, counseling costs, and lost wages--not property.
National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-SAFE
Hotline advocates are available for crisis intervention, safety planning, and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through interpreters.
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence: www.mocadsv.org
Service: directory of member organizations and services throughout the different regions of Missouri.